1-2-1 recall training in Exeter and Tiverton

Your Enthusiastic Explorer

Freedom for your dog; confidence for you

Learn how to let your dog run free, knowing they’ll come when called

Me and my dog Hattie (a wirehaired vizsla) doing recall in the woods. I've got my back to the camera with my arms stretched out and she's running towards me with her ears flapping.

Fun and friendly 1-2-1 training for you and your dog:

  • Lose the fear of losing your dog

  • Enjoy more relaxed walks together connected, not by a lead, but a bond of trust

  • End the hassle of persuading your dog to come back at the end of the walk

  • The whole family can enjoy the fun of recall

  • Start at home to help you and your dog learn faster without distractions

  • If progress is good, we can take your new skills to the places you and your dog like to walk

  • Three 45-minute sessions, ideally spread over three weeks

You will learn how to teach your dog to:

  • Joyfully come back when called

  • Happily run back to be put on the lead

  • Come away from people, dogs or dangerous situations as soon as you call

  • When called, choose you instead of the distractions of the world around them

Also included at no extra cost:

  • Detailed exercise sheets explaining what you learn in each session

  • Video tutorials for most training exercises

  • Free follow-up support by email – lasts two months

  • 13-page e-book teaches you how to read your dog’s body language

  • 19-page e-book filled with tips for enriching your dog’s life

Price: £140

Recall for a joyful, go-anywhere partnership

A dog that comes back to you is a dog you can trust. The pair of you will have more fun when you’re more confident that your buddy will come bounding back: from unfriendly people and dogs … from wildlife and distractions ... and mostly because it’s time to go home or come in from the garden.

Recall gives you the confidence to let your dog explore off-lead – to give them the freedom to run and sniff and discover their surroundings on their terms. Recall opens up a world of possibility: long walks in the woods, runs in the park, adventures on the beach, and games anywhere that welcomes dogs off-lead.

Recall is the ultimate bond of trust. You trust your dog to come back when you call them; your dog trusts you to make coming back a fun game. It’s the pair of you playing together as partners for a more enjoyable life.

Reliable recall marks a turning point in your relationship. It gives you more confidence; it makes you more relaxed. You and your dog have less to worry about – and so much more to enjoy.

The first step on the road to recall is a chat about the freedoms you want for your dog and the recall fears that are holding you back.