Pre-puppy training in Exeter and Tiverton

Get Yourself Puppy-Ready

Give your puppy and yourself the best start for your life together

Everything you need to know to help your new puppy settle in to your home

Fun and friendly 1-2-1 training for you and your family:

  • Prepare yourself and your home for your new arrival

  • Make the transition to puppy life much easier – a shoulder to lean on when things don’t go to plan

  • Know how to get your puppy's training off to the right start – avoid the common problems

  • Learn how to socialise your puppy safely before they're fully vaccinated

  • First session to prepare you and your home:
    90 minutes, ideally two weeks before your puppy arrives

  • Second session to check on progress and help you through difficulties:
    45 minutes, ideally three days after your puppy arrives

You will learn how to teach your puppy to:

  • Consistently toilet in the right place

  • Only chew on their own toys – not your arm

  • Feel confident about being left alone for short periods

  • Feel comfortable in their new home

  • Respond to their name – the first to step teaching them every other behaviour

Also included at no extra cost:

  • Detailed exercise sheets explaining what you learn in each session

  • Free follow-up support by email – lasts two months

  • 11-page e-book covers everything you need to know for your puppy's first weeks with you

  • 13-page e-book teaches you how to read your dog’s body language

  • 19-page e-book filled with tips for enriching your dog’s life

Price: £120

Puppy preparation gets your new life off to the smoothest start

Exciting times. Your adorable little puppy’s coming, and you can’t wait to start your new life together. At the same time, you know it won’t be easy – perhaps even hard work. You have to teach them so much about their new world … to wee in the right place … to bite toys not people … to feel safe being on their own … to know that unfamiliar sights, sounds and smells aren’t scary.

Trouble is, there’s so much conflicting advice. How do you know what’s going to work for you and your puppy?

If the scale of the challenge ahead seems daunting, you’ve come to the right place. I can help you get your new life off to a good start and avoid the problems that demoralise so many new puppy parents. I keep it simple, fun and practical: 1-2-1 training sessions tailored to your circumstances – to your family, your lifestyle and your home. And there’s no requirement for you to have any prior experience of puppy training.

We take it in two stages.

  • The first is a longer session to prepare you and your home for your new arrival. Our time together focuses on building your confidence ahead of the exciting day.

  • The second session comes a few days after your puppy arrives. You can talk about the things you’re struggling with and I can help get you back on track before they become problems.

And throughout those vital first two months, I will be your shoulder to lean on. You can email me at any time for advice or support. The time to start, if you’re feeling remotely apprehensive, is now. We can talk over the phone about the type of life you’re looking forward to with your puppy, and the aspects of puppy training that worry you the most.

Pre-puppy training FAQs

  • The first few weeks of having a puppy are exhausting and confusing. Lots of people wait until they’re struggling with their puppy before they look for help. But by that time they’re tired, frustrated and could be causing problem behaviours without realising. Having a pre-puppy session means you’ve got a plan to deal with puppy problems before they happen. And if you are struggling you can contact me straight away.