1-2-1 trick training in Exeter and Tiverton

Your Happy Trickster

Teach your dog tricks for the sheer fun of it

Help your dog learn useful tricks and show-off moves

Me and my dog Hattie (a wirehaired vizsla). I'm standing with my legs apart and she's sitting between my legs. I'm looking down at her and she's looking up at me.

Fun and friendly 1-2-1 training for you and your dog:

  • Learn how to build tricks in simple, easily doable stages

  • Strengthen your relationship by having fun together

  • Fight doggy boredom on wet days with simple tricks your dog can practice at home

  • Teach your dog skills that are useful as well as cute – the shortlist below gives you an idea of what’s possible

  • Your whole family can share the fun of trick training

  • Earn a trick title to show off how clever your dog is

  • Four 45-minute sessions, ideally spread over four weeks

Tricks tailored to your personalities – choose the skills your dog learns:

Useful tricks

  • Give paw (also useful for nail trims)

  • Spin (also great for wiping feet after muddy walks)

  • Tidy up their toys (saves you a job)

  • Fetch a toy (makes recall more fun)

Fun tricks

  • High five

  • Weave through your legs

  • Roll over

  • Walk backwards

  • Jump through your arms

Any other trick you fancy – your dog’s skills are endless

Also included at no extra cost:

  • Detailed exercise sheets explaining what you learn in each session

  • Free follow-up support by email – lasts two months

  • 13-page e-book teaches you how to read your dog’s body language

  • 19-page e-book filled with tips for enriching your dog’s life

Price: £180

Have even more fun with your happy trickster

Dogs love to learn. And they love to do things that earn rewards. So why not make more of your dog’s innate ability to do clever, unexpected things by teaching them tricks?

Trick training is great for strengthening the bonds between you and your dog, for impressing your friends, and for entertaining your dog on a dull day. And anyone can do it, including your children, because you don’t need any specialist skills or equipment.

More than anything, trick training makes you and your dog feel good. It’s all about the shared joy of working together towards a common goal. When the pair of you get it right, the joy is fantastic. You feel like a superstar trainer and your dog picks up on that rush of happiness.

Now imagine how proud you’ll be when your dog repeats that trick in front of your friends. It’s your dog at maximum cuteness. What could be better?

The first step is a chat about your dog and the type of tricks you’d love to teach them.