Puppy Training Juniper Indigo Puppy Training Juniper Indigo

How to toilet train your puppy in a flat

You’re excited about bringing your new puppy home and you’re reading everything you can because you want to get your puppy’s training right from the start. But you’re so confused about how you’re supposed to toilet train your puppy because all the advice assumes you have access to a garden. But you live in a flat…

Don’t stress - you don’t have to choose between teaching your puppy to toilet inside and risking them getting ill by taking your puppy outside to toilet before they’re fully vaccinated. Toilet training a puppy in a flat isn’t massively different to toilet training in a house with a garden. You just need to make a few small changes to your toilet training plan.

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Life Skills Training Juniper Indigo Life Skills Training Juniper Indigo

4 easy steps for a café-friendly dog

Picture this: you’re sitting with your friends in your favourite dog friendly-café drinking a flat white with your dog snoozing at your feet. Sounds like the perfect Saturday afternoon, right? But you’re probably thinking ‘there’s no way I could ever take my dog to a café, they’d just cause chaos’. If you are, then don’t worry. With a little bit of training and some pre-planning before your coffee trip you’ll have the café-friendly dog of your dreams.

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