Adolescent Dog Training Juniper Indigo Adolescent Dog Training Juniper Indigo

5 tips for training your teen dog

You worked so hard training your puppy all the skills they need to be your perfect dog. And now they’re not a puppy, you’re ready to enjoy your awesome adult dog. But as they’ve got older, their training has gone backwards. Some days it even feels like you’ve done no training at all… The problem is they’re not an awesome adult dog yet, they’re a tearaway teen.

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Life Skills Training Juniper Indigo Life Skills Training Juniper Indigo

How to teach your dog to walk calmly on lead

We all dream of those lovely, relaxing walks with our dogs where they walk calmly next to us. But if you’ve tried training your dog to walk calmly on a lead you’ll have found it’s harder than it looks. That’s because those exciting walks come with lots of distractions for your dog. There’s so many things to see, hear and smell and it’s really hard for them to focus on walking with you when there's so much other stuff happening.

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Juniper Indigo Juniper Indigo

What actually is force-free dog training?

Choosing a dog trainer is confusing. Especially when every single trainer seems to use different training methods. It’s hard to trust any professional when you can easily find another who’s saying the exact opposite. Unfortunately dog training is an unregulated profession so anyone can say they’re a dog trainer, even if they’ve got no qualifications, experience or skill. That’s why you’ll see so many different opinions, a lot of them come from trainers who are quite literally making it up as they go along. Other trainers are relying on myths that were debunked over 20 years ago or are using methods that are proven to harm your dog and your relationship with them.

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Puppy Training Juniper Indigo Puppy Training Juniper Indigo

The ultimate guide to socialising your puppy

Socialisation is how puppies learn about the world they will be living in and how they’re supposed to behave. Puppies need to learn what is safe and what isn’t. During their ‘socialisation period’ they’re more likely to assume new species, objects and situations are safe. This period ends at around 16 weeks and after this dogs are more likely to approach these things with caution. But that doesn’t mean that your puppy can’t learn about the world after they’re 16 weeks - it’ll just be a little harder for them and you.

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Puppy Training Juniper Indigo Puppy Training Juniper Indigo

Enjoying your puppy’s first Christmas

Christmas is an exciting time. We decorate the house, eat all the exciting Christmas food, have lots of visitors to the house and, of course, open presents. But all those fun traditions can suddenly become stressful with a puppy in the house. If you’ve never done Christmas with a dog before then there are a lot of extra things to consider to make sure everyone stays safe and has a wonderful festive season.

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Puppy Training Juniper Indigo Puppy Training Juniper Indigo

Surviving the puppy blues

Before you brought your puppy home you imagined what looking after them would be like. You thought you’d have this adorable best friend who’d bring so much joy to your life. But your reality is very different. You’re tired, feeling like everything you’re doing is wrong and you’re starting to wonder whether you should just return your puppy to their breeder.

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Adolescent Dog Training Juniper Indigo Adolescent Dog Training Juniper Indigo

Help! My perfect puppy has become a teen tearaway!

You're starting to feel like your puppy is becoming the perfect dog of your dreams. But then, suddenly everything changes. Your puppy stops listening to you and fucks off to the other side of the park as soon as you let them off lead, they're now barking at every person and dog they see and they're biting you again (but now it's scary because they're BIGGER). You might be feeling like you've failed or you're just not good enough to have a puppy. But that's not true - what you're experiencing is normal. Your puppy's just become a teenager.

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Life Skills Training Juniper Indigo Life Skills Training Juniper Indigo

5 simple tips for stress-free walks

You got a dog dreaming of taking them out on lots of relaxing walks. But then you discovered that reality is very different. Your dog pulls you to every person or dog they see out on a walk and as soon as you let them off lead they fuck off as far away from you as possible. Now you're dreading taking them out because what should be the best part of your day has become a huge chore.

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Juniper Indigo Juniper Indigo

5 easy ways to keep your dog cool and calm this summer

Every summer we're all given warnings about the dangers of walking our dogs in hot weather. Dogs can quickly overheat and get seriously ill walking while it's hot and the risk is increased for young puppies, older dogs, toy or giant breeds, dogs with thick coats or flat faces.

But just telling you not to walk your dog doesn't help if your dog will go stir crazy and destroy your stuff without a walk. Luckily, there are some easy ways to occupy your dog's brain in hot weather.

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Puppy Training Juniper Indigo Puppy Training Juniper Indigo

Help! My puppy won’t stop biting!

So you picked up this adorable little puppy and you were full of excitement about your future together. You read up on toilet training and how to teach your puppy to sit and come back when called. But now your biggest issue is that your puppy is biting EVERYTHING. There are teeth marks on your furniture, your favourite pair of shoes are destroyed, all your clothes have holes in them but the worse victims are your poor hands and feet. You're probably starting to worry that you've brought home some demon puppy who'll grow up to be an aggressive beast.

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